Friday, February 29, 2008

Wild Release #147

I admit I'm not always *exactly* on time for things—a minute or two or five or ten in either direction is more commmon than not. However, I was five days late for this week's SSM. I had a good excuse—I was waiting for the perfect book and *it* was late. I found it in a box of books that I bought on ebay using a gift card from my favorite little sister, and I didn't get around to registering it and labeling it properly until after this week's SSM had come and gone. Not wanting to let this serendipity slip away, I thought Leap Day itself would be a great day to release it, so I left Dean Koontz's "Tick Tock," tucked safely in a plastic BookCrossing release bag, propped up against the base of the clock outside the Courthouse on Main and Otterman Streets. I mention the bag because at the time I left it there, a snowstorm was depositing several inches over southwestern Pennsylvania. The book should be well protected until someone claims it. Mission accomplished at last!

This week's challenge, set by dicentragirl, follows:

SSM 022408: Go take a leap!
When: February 24th 2008
How: It’s leap year this year. Books related to time, astronomy or leaping/jumping (or however it translates in YOUR language). Bonus if you can place the book somewhere that the finder has to leap/jump for it.

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