Monday, March 03, 2008

Wild Release #149

Mom and I met Sister No. 3, Niece No. 1, and Nephew No. 1 at Bob Evans Restaurant in Greensburg for dinner this evening--another opportunity to spread the BookCrossing karma for me. I left "My Side of the Mountain," by Jean Craighead George, on the bench outside the restaurant when we went in and it was gone by the time we came out an hour later.

Release #19 for MRWiley's 2008 Movie/TV/News books release challenge.

1 comment:

grubsneerg said...

I got a private message through BookCrossing from the family that picked up this book shortly after I left it there. They haven't actually journalled it on BookCrossing yet, so I can't count it as an "official" catch until they do. Here's what they said:

We picked up the book at Bob Evans, we were the Mother, Daughter and little girl that left approximately when you came in, I guess. The book was not there when we went into the restaurant. We live in Latrobe and are traveling to FLA for the weddings of my oldest daughter on March 22, and Son on April 9th, we will pass the book on to someone in FLA--at a Bob Evans. This is a great book for our trip. We are making a side trip to Pigeon Forge Tennessee to ride a ZORB ball. It is the one on the Toyota commercial on TV. We will write back and let you know where we left the book.

Thank you for such a great book adventure, we did not know about this. It
is brilliant.