Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wild Releases #236 & #237

I had $2 left in my wallet, which was not enough to buy my lunch, so I had to stop at the bank and get a refill. It was the perfect opportunity to leave a themed release--"The Cat Who Robbed a Bank," by Lilian Jackson Braun. I propped it up on the ATM machine outside Dollar Bank at Westmoreland Mall, and couldn't help but smile as I did so.

My second release of the day was minutes later at Chick-fil-A in Eastgate Plaza, where I purchased a delicious lunch with my newly obtained infusion of cash. I left E.B. White's "Charlotte's Web" on the ledge outside the side door. There were lots of loud, screaming children in the playroom, so I'm hopeful that the book finds a good home soon. This was release #56 for MRWiley's 2008 Movie/TV/News books release challenge.

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